
Lost in the jungle


The joy of love is possible only if you have known the joy of being alone, because then only do you have something to share. Otherwise, two beggars meeting each other, clinging to each other, cannot be blissful. They will create misery for each other because each will be hoping, and hoping in vain, that “The other is going to fulfill me.” The other is hoping the same. They cannot fulfill each other. They are both blind; they cannot help each other.


I have heard about a hunter who got lost in the jungle. For three days he could not find anybody to ask for the way out, and he was becoming more and more panicky–three days of no food and three days of constant fear of wild animals. For three days he was not able to sleep; he was sitting awake on some tree, afraid he may be attacked. There were snakes, there were lions, there were wild animals. 

On the fourth day early in the morning, he saw a man sitting under a tree. You can imagine his joy. He rushed, he hugged the man, and he said, “What joy!” And the other man hugged him, and both were immensely happy. Then they asked each other, “Why are you so ecstatic?” 

The first said, “I was lost and I was waiting to meet somebody.” And the other said, “I am also lost and I am waiting to meet somebody. But if we are both lost then the ecstasy is just foolish. So now we will be lost together!” 

That’s what happens: you are lonely, the other is lonely–now you meet. First the honeymoon: that ecstasy that you have met the other, now you will not be lonely anymore. But within three days, or if you are intelligent enough, then within three hours… it depends on how intelligent you are. If you are stupid, then it will take a longer time because one does not learn; otherwise the intelligent person can immediately see after three minutes: “What are we trying to do? It is not going to happen. The other is as lonely as I am. Now we will be living together–two lonelinesses together. Two wounds together cannot help each other to be healed.” 

We are part of each other–no man is an island. We belong to an invisible but infinite continent. Boundless is our existence. But those experiences happen only to people who are self-actualizing, who are in such tremendous love with themselves that they can close their eyes and be alone and be utterly blissful. That’s what meditation is all about. 

Meditation means being ecstatic in your aloneness. But when you become ecstatic in your aloneness, soon the ecstasy is so much that you cannot contain it. It starts overflowing you. And when it starts overflowing you it becomes love. 

Meditation allows love to happen. And the people who have not known meditation will never know love. They may pretend that they love but they cannot. They will only pretend–because they don’t have anything to give, they are not overflowing. Love is a sharing. But before you can share, you have to have it! Meditation should be the first thing. 

Meditation is the center, love is the circumference of it. Meditation is the flame, love is the radiation of it. Meditation is the flower, love is the fragrance of it.

 reference- http://www.osho.com 




You carry your wound. With the ego, your whole being is a wound. And you carry it around. Nobody is interested in hurting you, nobody is positively waiting to hurt you; everybody is engaged in safeguarding his own wound. Who has got the energy? But still it happens, because you are so ready to be wounded, so ready, just waiting on the brink for anything. 

You cannot touch a man of Tao. Why? – because there is no one to be touched. There is no wound. He is healthy, healed, whole. This word whole is beautiful. The word heal comes from the whole, and the word holy also comes from the whole. He is whole, healed, holy. 

Be aware of your wound. Don’t help it to grow, let it be healed; and it will be healed only when you move to the roots. The less the head, the more the wound will heal; with no head there is no wound. Live a headless life. Move as a total being, and accept things. 

Just for twenty-four hours, try it – total acceptance, whatsoever happens. Someone insults you, accept it; don’t react, and see what happens. Suddenly you will feel an energy flowing in you that you have not felt before.

Osho The Empty Boat Chapter 10



It is a time when the deeply buried wounds of the past are coming to the surface, ready and available to be healed. 

The figure in this card is naked, vulnerable, open to the loving touch of existence. The aura around his body is full of light, and the quality of relaxation, caring and love that surrounds him is dissolving his struggle and suffering. Lotuses of light appear on his physical body, and around the subtle energy bodies that healers say surround each of us. In each of these subtle layers appears a healing crystal or pattern. 

When we are under the healing influence of the King of Water we are no longer hiding from ourselves or others. In this attitude of openness and acceptance we can be healed, and help others also to be healthy and whole.




Watch the waves in the ocean. The higher the wave goes, the deeper is the wake that follows it. One moment you are the wave, another moment you are the hollow wake that follows. Enjoy both–don’t get addicted to one. Don’t say: I would always like to be on the peak. It is not possible. Simply see the fact: it is not possible. It has never happened and it will never happen. It is simply impossible–not in the nature of things. Then what to do? Enjoy the peak while it lasts and then enjoy the valley when it comes. What is wrong with the valley? What is wrong with being low? It is a relaxation. A peak is an excitement, and nobody can exist continuously in an excitement.

Osho Returning to the Source Chapter 4



This character is obviously “on top of the world” right now, and the whole world is celebrating his success with a ticker-tape parade! Because of your willingness to accept the recent challenges of life, you are now – or you soon will be – enjoying a wonderful ride on the tiger of success. Welcome it, enjoy it, and share your joy with others – and remember that all bright parades have a beginning and an end. 

If you keep this in mind, and squeeze every drop of juice out of the happiness you are experiencing now, you will be able to take the future as it comes without regrets. But don’t be tempted to try to hold on to this abundant moment, or coat it in plastic so that it lasts forever. The greatest wisdom to keep in mind with all the phenomena in the parade of your life, whether they be valleys or peaks, is that “this too will pass.” 

Celebrate, yes, and keep on riding the tiger




This pain is not to make you sad, remember. That’s where people go on missing…. This pain is just to make you more alert–because people become alert only when the arrow goes deep into their heart and wounds them. Otherwise they don’t become alert. When life is easy, comfortable, convenient, who cares? Who bothers to become alert? When a friend dies, there is a possibility. When your woman leaves you alone–those dark nights, you are lonely. You have loved that woman so much and you have staked all, and then suddenly one day she is gone. Crying in your loneliness, those are the occasions when, if you use them, you can become aware. The arrow is hurting: it can be used. The pain is not to make you miserable, the pain is to make you more aware! And when you are aware, misery disappears.

Osho Take it Easy, Volume 2 Chapter 12



The image is of Ananda, the cousin and disciple of Gautam Buddha. He was at Buddha’s side constantly, attending to his every need for forty-two years. When Buddha died, the story is told that Ananda was still at his side, weeping. The other disciples chastised him for his misunderstanding: Buddha had died absolutely fulfilled; he should be rejoicing. But Ananda said, “You misunderstand. I’m weeping not for him but for myself, because for all these years I have been constantly at his side but I have still not attained.” Ananda stayed awake for the whole night, meditating deeply and feeling his pain and sorrow. By the morning, it is said, he was enlightened. Times of great sorrow have the potential to be times of great transformation. But in order for transformation to happen we must go deep, to the very roots of our pain, and experience it as it is, without blame or self-pity.


ImageThis has been said again and again, down through the ages. All the religious people have been saying this: “We come alone into this world, we go alone.” All togetherness is illusory. The very idea of togetherness arises because we are alone, and the aloneness hurts. We want to drown our aloneness in relationship…. That’s why we become so much involved in love. Try to see the point. Ordinarily you think you have fallen in love with a woman or with a man because she is beautiful, he is beautiful. That is not the truth. The truth is just the opposite: you have fallen in love because you cannot be alone. You were going to fall. You were going to avoid yourself somehow or other. And there are people who don’t fall in love with women or men–then they fall in love with money. They start moving into money or into a power trip, they become politicians. That too is avoiding your aloneness. If you watch man, if you watch yourself deeply, you will be surprised–all your activities can be reduced to one single source. The source is that you are afraid of your aloneness. Everything else is just an excuse. The real cause is that you find yourself very alone.

Osho Take it Easy, Volume 2 Chapter 1



Some enchanted evening you’re going to meet your soulmate, the perfect person who will meet all your needs and fulfill all your dreams. Right? Wrong! This fantasy that songwriters and poets are so fond of perpetuating has its roots in memories of the womb, where we were so secure and “at one” with our mothers; it’s no wonder we have hankered to return to that place all our lives. But, to put it quite brutally, it is a childish dream. And it’s amazing we hang on to it so stubbornly in the face of reality. Nobody, whether it’s your current mate or some dreamed-of partner in the future, has any obligation to deliver your happiness on a platter–nor could they even if they wanted to. Real love comes not from trying to solve our neediness by depending on another, but by developing our own inner richness and maturity. Then we have so much love to give that we naturally draw lovers towards us.

Letting Go



In existence there is nobody who is superior and nobody who is inferior. The blade of grass and the great star are absolutely equal…. But man wants to be higher than others, he wants to conquer nature, hence he has to fight continuously. All complexity arises out of this fight. The innocent person is one who has renounced fighting; who is no longer interested in being higher, who is no longer interested in performing, in proving that he is someone special; who has become like a rose flower or like a dewdrop on the lotus leaf; who has become part of this infinity; who has melted, merged and become one with the ocean and is just a wave; who has no idea of the “I”. The disappearance of the ”I” is innocence.

Osho The White Lotus Chapter 6



In this image of lotus leaves in the early morning, we can see in the rippling of the water that one drop has just fallen. It is a precious moment, and one that is full of poignancy. In surrendering to gravity and slipping off the leaf, the drop loses its previous identity and joins the vastness of the water below. We can imagine that it must have trembled before it fell, just on the edge between the known and the unknowable. To choose this card is a recognition that something is finished, something is completing. Whatever it is–a job, a relationship, a home you have loved, anything that might have helped you to define who you are–it is time to let go of it, allowing any sadness but not trying to hold on. Something greater is awaiting you, new dimensions are there to be discovered. You are past the point of no return now, and gravity is doing its work. Go with it–it represents liberation.

Friendliness ( Osho Zen tarrot )


First meditate, be blissful, then much love will happen of its own accord. Then being with others is beautiful and being alone is also beautiful. Then it is simple, too. You don’t depend on others and you don’t make others dependent on you. Then it is always a friendship, a friendliness. It never becomes a relationship, it is always a relatedness. You relate, but you don’t create a marriage. Marriage is out of fear, relatedness is out of love. You relate; as long as things are moving beautifully, you share. And if you see that the moment has come to depart because your paths separate at this crossroad, you say good-bye with great gratitude for all that the other has been to you, for all the joys and all the pleasures and all the beautiful moments that you have shared with the other. With no misery, with no pain, you simply separate.

Osho The White Lotus Chapter 10



The branches of these two flowering trees are intertwined, and their fallen petals blend together on the ground in their beautiful colors. It is as if heaven and earth are bridged by love. But they stand individually, each rooted in the soil in their own connection with the earth. In this way they represent the essence of true friends, mature, easy with each other, natural. There is no urgency about their connection, no neediness, no desire to change the other into something else. This card indicates a readiness to enter this quality of friendliness. In the passage, you may notice that you are no longer interested in all kinds of dramas and romances that other people are engaged in. It is not a loss. It is the birth of a higher, more loving quality born of the fullness of experience. It is the birth of a love that is truly unconditional, without expectations or demands.


Thought creates reality: tune into what you need

There is nothing to be worried about and nothing to be serious about. The only thing to be understood is: DON’T FEED NEGATIVES; otherwise they become real. FEED THE POSITIVE, and that becomes real.

    Reality is your creation; THOUGHT CREATES REALITY. Go with great joy, go in happiness; and you will be surprised that everything fits with your joy and everything fits with your surprise. Everything helps you to be more joyous. Go with fear, and everything will be gloomy, and everything will prove that you are right.
    THE MIND ALWAYS PROVES ITSELF RIGHT. So it is a suicidal trip: if you go with fear, you will create it. When you are afraid, you create fear in the other person also.
    If you try to stop it, you will carry it. SIMPLY MAKE A SHIFT, don’t try to stop it. You are facing east, face west. You cannot stop the east, but you can face west.
    You are listening to one station on the radio; YOU CAN CHANGE THE STATION. You cannot stop that radio station from broadcasting, it will go on broadcasting — but you need not receive it. THINK OF THE MIND LIKE THIS — that you have all the knobs available, you can turn on any station, all the stations of the world are available. The whole world is available: sadness, fear, love, joy, anger, celebration, anguish, anxiety. Everything is available — JUST TUNE INTO WHATSOEVER YOU NEED. And don’t be obsessed with the idea of how to stop fear. There is no need to be worried about fear. If you become focused on fear, you will be feeding it.

    Try it TONIGHT!
Let Go!
a darshan diary, Ch #4

Be cheated; it is worth it !

WHAT HAVE YOU GOT that you are so much afraid of being cheated? A naked fakir — worried where he will dry his clothes if he takes a bath. Be cheated! You have nothing.

This idea that “…with an innocent childlike mind into this world, he will probably be cheated,” is already cunning, clever,
calculating. If you want to become childlike, even then you calculate what will happen! A child is just a child; WHATSOEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS.


And I tell you, if you allow yourself to be cheated, in the end you will find that THOSE WHO WERE CHEATING YOU WERE REALLY THE VICTIMS, THEY HAVE BEEN CHEATED. And they could not take anything from you because, in the first place, you had nothing. When death will knock at your door, you will be happy that you allowed people to cheat you rather than cheating them. Because there are only two possibilities:


EITHER YOU CHEAT OR YOU ALLOW PEOPLE TO CHEAT YOU; there is no other possibility. If you think: “I will not cheat others, but I will not allow anybody to cheat me,” you are in a wrong attitude. You don’t understand what you are thinking; it is impossible. THE ONLY WAY NOT TO BE CHEATED IS TO CHEAT. Ask Machiavelli, he knows. Ask Kautilya
or Chanakya, they know. Machiavelli says: “The only way to defend yourself is to attack.” He is exactly your cunningness, embodied. He is the incarnation of cunningness. But he’s saying a perfectly logical thing: IF YOU WANT NOT TO BE CHEATED, CHEAT. Because that is the only way not to be cheated; there is no other way. But I tell you, IF YOU CHEAT PEOPLE, IN THE END YOU WILL FIND THAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING MUCH AND YOUR HANDS ARE EMPTY. When Alexander way dying he told his people that, “My hands should be hanging out of the coffin, outside it.” They were worried. They said, “This has never been done. What you are thinking, and why? Why your hands should be hanging out of the

He said, “So that people can see that I AM GOING EMPTY-HANDED.” A great understanding dawned on him. But very late, when nothing could be done. He had been accumulating the things of the world, he had becomealmost the conqueror of the world, and at the end he realized that his hands were empty. HANDS WILL ALWAYS BE EMPTY IF YOU GO ON
CHEATING PEOPLE. Once you understand that there is nothing to fear, let them cheat. In their cheating you, they are not very clever; they are simply foolish. And the more you allow them to cheat you, the more you trust them, the more A DIFFERENT KIND OF TREASURE WILL OPEN ITS DOORS TO YOU. That is available only to a childlike consciousness



Come Follow Yourself

Vol 2, Ch #10: Every moment God knocks
am in Buddha Hall