Be A Hollow Bamboo


This is one of Tilopa’s special methods. Every master has his own special method through which he has attained, and through which he would like to help others. This is Tilopa’s specialty: Like a hollow bamboo rest at ease with your body.

A bamboo: inside completely hollow. When you rest, you just feel that you are like a bamboo: inside completely hollow and empty. And in fact this is the case: your body is just like a bamboo and inside it is hollow. Your skin, your bones, your blood, are all part of the bamboo, and inside there is space, hollowness.

When you are sitting with a completely silent mouth, inactive, tongue touching the roof and silent, not quivering with thoughts, the mind watching passively, not waiting for anything in particular, feel like a hollow bamboo. Suddenly, infinite energy starts pouring within you. You are filled with the unknown, with the mysterious, with the divine. A hollow bamboo becomes a flute and the divine starts playing it. Once you are empty then there is no barrier for the divine to enter in you.

Try this. This is one of the most beautiful meditations, the meditation of becoming a hollow bamboo. You need not do anything else. You simply become this, and all else happens. Suddenly you feel something is descending in your hollowness. You are like a womb and a new life is entering in you, a seed is falling. And a moment comes when the bamboo completely disappears.

Rest at ease — don’t desire spiritual things, don’t desire heaven, don’t desire even God. When you are desireless, you are liberated. Buddhahood cannot be desired, because desiring is the hindrance. When the barrier is not, suddenly Buddha explodes in you. You have the seed already. When you are empty, space is there; the seed explodes.

There is nothing to give, there is nothing to get. Everything is absolutely okay…as it is. There is no need for any give and take. You are absolutely perfect as you are.

You need not become anything; simply realize who you are, that’s all. Simply realize who is hidden within you. Improving, whatsoever you improve, you will always be in anxiety and anguish because the very effort to improve is leading you on a wrong path. It makes the future meaningful, a goal meaningful, ideals meaningful, and then your mind becomes a desiring.

Desiring, you miss. Let desiring subside, become a silent pool of nondesiring — and suddenly you are surprised, unexpectedly it is there. And you will have a belly laugh, as Bodhidharma laughed.

What is to be practiced then? To be more and more at ease. To be more and more here and now. To be more and more in action, and less and less in activity. To be more and more hollow, empty, passive. To be more and more a watcher — indifferent, not expecting anything, not desiring anything. To be happy with yourself as you are. To be celebrating.

And then, any moment — any moment when things ripen and the right season comes — you bloom into a buddha.

Osho, Tantra: The Supreme Understanding, Talk #4
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What Makes You You?


The things by which we generally define ourselves – appearance, personality, abilities, work, relationships, etc – can all change. Our sense of self can be influenced by what people say, the situations around us and the problems we face. What is it, then, that defines who we are?

Much of the unhappiness and insecurity in the world is a result of our limited, external perception of ourselves. I believe it is the inner, spiritual, identity that people are searching for today. This spiritual identity can give me hope in a situation of despair, show me a solution to any problem and inspire me to change the direction of my life.  And it is through recognising and experiencing my spiritual self that I can connect with God and receive the strength and broader vision that I need to contribute positively to this world.

             “Start with the question: what do I really value in life?”

A good way to get to know myself on a deeper level is to start with the question: what do I really value in life? I will probably find that I value qualities such as love, happiness, compassion…the things that make me feel valued and bring inner happiness. I then think about whether or not the way I live my life reflects that – and what is there in my life that matches what I value? 

Seeing myself as a spiritual being, I rediscover my natural, inner treasures of peace, love, purity, happiness and wisdom, which I tend to forget.  It’s like having a beautiful instrument in my cupboard. Well, why not play it?  When I experience these qualities within myself, I became a much happier, more stable person. Understanding my own value, I am able to keep my self-respect, even when someone is trying to bring me down, and so can help others come out of their limited perception.

This is why it is so important to spend time in meditation every day. It helps me understand myself, reflect in this deeper way and become strong in my spiritual identity, so that I maintain my happiness and inner strength – and can influence the world around me in a positive way.

by Maureen Goodman

Permanent removal of unwanted hair naturally

Permanent removal of unwanted hair naturally

Ayurvedic (natural) method to remove these excessive (unwanted) hair growth

Ingredients required :

1. Thanaka (available in ayurvedic stores), which is an yellowish-white cosmetic paste made from ground bark.
It is a distinctive feature of Myanmar (formerly Burma) seen commonly applied to the face and sometimes the arms of women and girls and is also produced in thailand.

2. Kusuma Oil (Safflower Oil )

Procudure to remove unwanted hair :

  • Remove all unwanted hair by shaving or any other hair removal cream
  • Grind Thanaka is Kusuma oil and make a paste (thickness similar to hair removal cream)
  • Apply this paste to the hair removed area and massage well till it gets absorbed into skin pores
  • Do not wash or wipe the area for atleast 3-4 hours (preferably do this at night before sleeping)
  • Repeat this process for 100 days without break and hair will never grow back in unwanted areas

The Face of Honesty

Sister Mohini holds up a mirror which can provide us all with useful reflection

Sometimes ambition without aim, purpose or clarity can be dangerous.  Ambition is fine as long as there is discrimination as to how a desire will affect others.  This is real honesty.  Honesty is something that neither brings harm to the self nor hurts others.

Most of the time, when we think of values like humility and lightness, thoughts turn to the self; but when we think of honesty, the thought turns outward.  Conflict arises when we begin to think that honesty means fulfilling all our own desires.  When honesty is understood as bringing satisfaction only to the self, this is not total honesty. 

People who are addicted sometimes feel as though they can’t feel the pain. It’s the same with thoughts: there are certain thoughts that are not beneficial for us, but we allow them to continue because we don’t feel the damage these thoughts bring.  Honesty is not just being natural, but giving to ourselves what is good and positive.

When a person uses abusive language, they often feel that they are just being ‘frank’.  However, this frankness is a form of dishonesty because the person is not only hurting others, but the self as well.  The power to discriminate is needed to determine which words bring relief and peace to the self and others.  This is honesty.

Each part of the body is assigned a place.  The tongue is supposed to be behind the bars of the teeth.   It is said that before you speak, think many times because the wound caused by the sword of the tongue heals very slowly. 

If you are honest, any little difficulty only comes to make you more honest. In performing various day to day tasks, we should ask ourselves: “Am I really being honest?”  Any difficulty is because of lack of honesty
The more honesty, the more feelings of lightness we have and the burdens are taken off us.

We need to make sure that there is no selfishness mixed in with our honesty and that we are not trying to manipulate a situation or person in the name of honesty.  Whatever is true or real should not be mixed.
Honesty—with the self, in our words and in relationships—is very important.

No one can take what belongs to us and we cannot take what belongs to anyone else out of greed or fear. Ghandi’s clothing was simple because he believed that if it were more than simple he would be guilty of taking someone else’s share.  When we learn to share then we are free from jealousy and things seem to come to us.

Before most of us became spiritual seekers or practitioners, we experienced disharmony because of breaking certain laws of the universe.  Once we learn to adopt honesty not only does disharmony dissolve, but there is never fear of what is going to happen to us.  When we lack honesty, we live in fear.  Lack of honesty creates sadness and insecurity.  An honest person will always feel secure.  

Respect is the essential core of humility and we should respect a person for whatever or whoever they are, while knowing that they need to change a few elements in their characters.  According to the respect we give others, that much respect will be given to us in return.

The converse of humility is ego.  We can develop ego from having many things, or from having nothing at all.  Inferiority is also considered ego.  In order to destroy ego, the consciousness of being a trustee is necessary. Trusteeship means that we don’t own something, but it has been given to us.  No one has brought anything with them to this earth.  When we came we were not wearing our clothes even, they were given to us.  As much as we can be caretakers or trustees with honesty, that much we can experience abundance and then there is no need for arrogance.

We witness heaviness because we walk around in ‘title consciousness’: “I am this, I am that.”  This makes us feel burdened.  If we perform our tasks as trustees, we can be very, very light.  Another reason we experience burden is because we do not have enough tolerance or patience, and so we respond negatively in our relationships with others and we don’t know how to forgive.  Forgiving means for giving.  We become so light when we give.  Take what is useful, and don’t create a file of anyone’s negativity.

Sister Mohini is the Director of Brahma Kumaris Centres in North and South America and the Caribbean.

Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Menstrual Problems

Menstrual Problems:

• Production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone trigger the development of a woman’s body
• Menstruation is a natural process and women experience various problems before and during

Symptoms to look for:

• Abdominal cramps
• Pain
• Excessive flow
• Sudden stoppage
• Development of clots

Natural home remedy using papaya:

1. Papaya helps to reduce the pain and regulates the flow
2. Take pulp of an unripe papaya
3. Blend it with 1 glass water
4. Drink it twice a day

Natural home remedy using sesame seeds:

1. Sesame seeds have pain relieving properties and also cure vomiting
2. Crush 4 tsp of sesame seeds into powder
3. Add 1 glass of water
4. Mix well
5. Drink 2 times a day


• Avoid caffeine
• Drink 8 glasses of water everyday to keep the body hydrated

These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Refer to the terms of use.

Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual Cramps:

• Menstrual cramps refer to the throbbing pain which occurs at the onset or during a menstrual period


• Prostaglandin is a hormone like substance, which leads to contraction of the uterus muscles and cause abdominal pain

Natural home remedy using flaxseeds:

1. Eat 2 tbsp of flaxseeds every day during periods
2. This reduces prostaglandin levels in the body

Natural home remedy using ginger, honey, lemon and tea:

1. Prepare black tea
2. Add to it ½ tsp of crushed ginger
3. Add 2 tsp lemon juice
4. Add 1 tsp honey
5. Drink this tea at regular intervals during the day

Natural home remedy using basil leaves:

1. Crush a handful of basil leaves
2. Press the paste on a sieve to extract juice
3. Take 1 glass hot water
4. Add 2 tsp basil leave juice
5. Mix well
6. Drink thrice everyday


• Acupuncture treatment provides pain relief
• Include in diet:
o Cinnamon
o Sesame seeds
o Ginger
o Parsley

These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Refer to the terms of use.

Real Love Is Like a Diamond



The problem nowadays is that love is interpreted on a gross level. Just as many people are attracted to the size and glitter of a fake diamond, so are they swayed by false, superficial love. There is no value in either. A real diamond is often quite small, but it is flawless. That is where it’s value lies. Real love is like a tiny diamond: it is not flashy and it is without a single flaw. Real love is one hundred percent pure. There is nothing artificial mixed into it. It is clean. There are no ulterior motives in real love